Helping Family Members Who Cannot Help Themselves
Keeton Law Firm, PLLC can assist you with obtaining a conservatorship over a family member that cannot take care of their own affairs and cannot make adult decisions for themselves.
When a family member cannot handle their own personal affairs and financial affairs, then a conservator can be appointed by the Court. Conservatorships are needed when the person is incapacitated due to mental illness, medical disability or advanced age. The conservatorship must also be the “least restrictive alternative” to protect the disabled person for health or financial reasons.
The person appointed to help the family member in need is called a “conservator.” The conservator has the legal duty to act for and on behalf of the best interests of the incapacitated individual, also known as the “ward.” The appointed conservator will handle the ward’s medical decisions, financial decisions and personal decisions.
Please give Keeton Law Firm, PLLC a call at 931-400-2548 if you need help with a conservatorship for a family member or send us an email to begin discussing your options.