Once summer is in full swing, many people forget that rain can occur. A summer thunderstorm can catch people unawares. For those on foot it may just mean a soaking but for those on the roads it can make things much more dangerous.
You always have the option to pull off the road altogether and wait out an approaching storm.
If you choose to continue, here are some tips to drive safely during summer thunderstorms and rain in general:
1. Use headlights
Heavy rain can drastically reduce visibility. Turning on your headlights can improve it. Being seen by other road users can greatly reduce the risk they run into you.
2. Slow down and brake slowly
You cannot afford to brake hard when fresh rain falls as it can release all the oil collected on the road surface and make things extremely slippery. A sudden application of the brakes could see you skidding across the lane. Slowing down means you have less speed to lose and gives you more time to spot a hazard, such as a puddle and slow gradually before it.
3. Watch out for standing water
You cannot always tell how deep a puddle is until you reach it. Hitting it too fast could have two serious consequences. Firstly, you might hydroplane, which is when your car glides across the surface as the wheels have lost traction with the road surface underneath the water. Controlling the direction your vehicle takes may be impossible. Secondly, you could obscure another driver’s vision by spraying a wall of water up in front of them.
If a driver injures you in a collision during or after a summer thunderstorm, consider if they took appropriate precautions and adjusted their driving for the conditions. If you can show they were negligent it can help you get the compensation you will need.