There are certain major and unavoidable costs that come with your driver’s license. You have to pay for your driver’s education course and then for your test. You have to pay a fee for your license and then pay to renew your license. You also have to pay a vehicle registration fee and insurance costs to protect yourself from liability and others from losses if you cause a crash.
While you may have a good insurance policy on your vehicle, you will depend on the coverage carried by another driver in the event of a wreck. Do you have to worry about an uninsured driver causing a crash?
Uninsured drivers are a serious issue in Tennessee
Every state has its own law requiring some degree of car insurance, and every state has a certain percentage of people unwilling to comply with its requirements. Tennessee is one of the worst states in the country when it comes to uninsured drivers.
At least according to 2019 data, the only states with more uninsured motorists on the road are Mississippi and Michigan. Overall, roughly 23.7% of drivers in Tennessee do not have insurance. If you get hurt in a crash caused by someone without an active policy on their vehicle, you will need to look at other options for compensation.
Some drivers can make a claim against their own policy, especially if they have uninsured motorist protection. You may also be in a position to file a civil lawsuit against the driver who caused the wreck or a third party who contributed to the crash.
Looking into all of your options for compensation can help you get the money you need to cover car crash expenses like vehicle repair bills and lost wages.